a subsidiary of ProTitleUSA

Alex Goldovsky Presented at the AI in Real Estate Conference in New York on June 11th, Discussing "USER FRIENDLY ADAPTATION: FROM PLANNING TO PILOT TO INTEGRATION, EXECUTION & SCALING."

It was a great honor to be a speaker as well as the exhibitor at IMN's 2024 AI in Real Estate Conference in NYC this week.
This event was an exciting opportunity to reconnect with my Company's existing partners, explore the needs of prospects, share about my new products and services and learn from some of the leading experts in the industry.

ChatGPT large language model (LLM) was released by OpenAI in 2020 for everyone to build applications, which enabled many start ups in AI industry to focus on market specific applications, many related to customer support efficiencies or big data analytics. I felt that my mission of concurring the PDF document data extracting and processing is yet to be populated, as heavy as ChatGPT one. One thing was clear - non-computer programming literate employees were involved in creating chat bots and RPA robots on their own. Large investments are lining up in AI on private Equity side. Mortgage on Blockchain adaptation is most likely 5 year away, while the technology is already here.

On the personal note, one of the top highlights for me was seeing my son's eyes when I was delivering my speach and answering questions from the audience.
A very motivational and fulfilling experience.

Overall, I think OneDiligence made a solid statement with its AI-based products and services and I am very eager to work on the new exciting opportunities that lay ahead of us!

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